filter for each home

Why a filter for each home

Nowadays it is important to have a filter for each home. This is one of the most important elements of maintaining health. Therefore, in this article, we discuss a lot of information that shows the importance of having a filter for every home.

What are home water filters?

The whole house water filter is a filtration system that treats water. This ensures that the water flowing from the tap is clean. All household water filters are the point of entry (POE) filters. They are portals to your tap water and only allow fresh, filtered water to flow into your faucets and appliances.

Benefits of home water filters

Get safer drinking water at any time

When the filter filters the water, it ensures that you have healthy drinking water. Compared to bottled water and tap water that comes directly from water treatment plants. The water is still unfiltered even if it comes from a water treatment plant that contains contaminants such as lead. Water treatment plants add chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine to water as a way to treat it. When there are good quality household filters, these chemicals, other impurities, and most of the toxins in the 2,100 drinking water are removed.

Environment protection

More than 50 billion plastic water bottles are purchased each year however, only 38% are recycled, and the rest end up in landfills. With a home water filter system, you won’t be adding more trash to landfills, and on average it will take 450 years for plastic bottles to decompose.

Reducing the exacerbation of skin diseases

Substances such as heavy metals, fluoride, and chlorine in water can exacerbate skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema, especially in children.


If you currently buy bottled water, you will make significant savings from installing a water filter at home. If there are four people in your household and each of you drinks three 16.9-ounce water bottles every day, you will be able to save at least $700 annually, this assumes You buy an average of 24 bottles of water at a cost of about $5.00, if you install a home reverse osmosis water filter system, it will cost much less which reduces costs.

Reduce your plumbing repair bills

Plumbing repairs can be reduced and repair bills lower when using filtered water Heavy metals, minerals, and chemicals in unfiltered water can damage your plumbing system Not only pipes but other household appliances that use water can be affected, including the water dispenser in your refrigerator, ice maker, dishwasher, and washing machine.

Saving soap

The advanced home water purification system works in the same way as a water purifier, this will help to use less soap to clean dishes and clothes, as hard water contains minerals that prevent the ionic effect of soap, thus reducing its cleaning ability.

Improve the taste of drinking water

Water filters remove elements that cause an unpleasant taste and smell to drinking water such as lead, chlorine, and bacteria. The home water purification system also improves the overall purity, taste, and smell of drinking water, and lowers the acidity level of the water you drink.

Reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases

Many parasites can be found in water and many microorganisms live in water sources that have not been properly treated. Parasites that can cause intestinal and digestive problems are removed by filtration.

Remove soap deposits and sediment on clothes

Over time, the chemicals in unclean tap water leave residues on clothes, which leads to a different smell and can lead to rashes and allergies, similarly unclean water causes soap scum to build up on your dishes and clothes and all of these benefits can be known Is filtered water healthy or not?

Pollutants that water filters help get rid of

The right water purification or purification system can help reduce the concentration of many types of pollutants in your home water:


Lead, a neurotoxin, can also leach into groundwater or seep into tap water from old lead pipes and fixtures. Even low levels of lead in water can be harmful to human health, especially for young children whose bodies and nervous systems are still developing.


Chlorine is often added to tap water for good reason. It kills bacteria that could make us sick if we ingested it. But chlorine is not ideal for us to consume in high doses either. High levels of chlorine in the water can lead to birth defects in infants. For example, chlorine also has a drying effect, so filtering the chlorine out of your water leaves you with more hydrated, supple, younger-looking skin, rashes, and less irritation. And filtering chlorine from the water will leave you with more moisturized, smoother, and shinier hair.


Nitrates form when nitrogen and oxygen react. High concentrations of nitrates in water pose serious risks, especially for children and pregnant women. Fertilizers, industrial waste run-off, and improper disposal of waste can lead to high levels of nitrates in groundwater, especially if your home has well water. You will likely want to invest in a water treatment system that reduces nitrates. Boiling and water filtration will not It can remove nitrates, but some water filter systems can.

The most important considerations to take into account before buying a filter for each home

Before starting to make a decision, it is normal for many questions to come to your mind, such as:

  • What is the right type?
  • Is maintenance expensive?
  • What are the differences between each type and the other?
  • Is this price appropriate?

The fact is that there are many types of drinking water filters. But the clearest fact is that the need of the house for a water filter is the same as the need of man for health. And the need for the family to prevent diseases due to the environmental pollution surrounding us.

To make the selection process easier for you, it is recommended to read this article.

Accordingly, the appropriate filter is selected for each house by knowing some points related to the nature of water in the residential area in which you reside.


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