Feasibility study for a coffee shop project
The opening of a coffee shop project is one of the most successful projects, especially since recently cafes are no longer limited to young people, but there are private cafes for women and others for families. Also, the introduction of attractions in these cafes such as flat-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi, and the addition of new drinks are not limited to traditional drinks only. In addition to the decorations that the owners of the cafes have become so sophisticated in, make they are luxurious and comfortable places at the same time.
The most important element is the ability to provide high-quality beverages, and to maintain or even improve this level over time. Which adds to you an important competitive advantage.
Therefore, care must be taken to use high-quality raw materials that you can afford during the different stages of the project.
Why are you considering a coffee shop project?
The coffee industry is a very strong and profitable industry. Research shows that coffee is the second most sought after commodity by consumers around the world.
There are about 500 billion cups of coffee drunk around the world each year. All this means that there is room for you and your project in this industry.
Everyone drinks coffee as many of us start our days with a cup of coffee at home or on our way to work, school and other activities. Today we drink coffee in different forms: latte, decaffeinated, espresso, macchiato, cappuccino, iced coffee, etc.
So, if you are looking forward to starting a business, opening a coffee shop in Saudi Arabia might be what you are looking for.
Feasibility study of a coffee shop
Decide Do you want to buy an existing coffee shop or start from scratch?
When you start a coffee shop business, you can either buy an existing store, which can be considered a franchise depending on the store, or you can start from scratch. If owning an independent store is what you want, buying an existing one means you’ll have some customers to start with. who will be familiar with the store itself and the brand? Whereas when you are starting from scratch, you will need to build a customer base.
However, keep in mind that the customers you are looking for are coffee lovers who are already in another store. How will you attract them to your new store? You need to think of a way to make your coffee shop stand out, whether that’s a location, perhaps unique flavor options, or something as simple as a location you can really photograph.
Conduct a market study to open a coffee shop in Saudi Arabia:
The next step in opening a coffee shop project in Saudi Arabia is to develop a market study to verify the existence of a job opportunity on-site.
To do this, you will need:
- Analysis of the development of the sector, growth, current and future trends, and competitive intensity.
- Study the needs and expectations of consumers Who frequents coffee shops? On what occasions? usually how much? What is the average budget?
- What are the expectations regarding products (coffee, tea, pastries, etc.) and services (free Wi-Fi, on-site vending, quick vending, etc.).
- Analyze your competitors at the local level How many are there? where is it? What do they offer? At any price? Does their business seem to be doing well? Are their balconies empty or full?
Choosing a suitable coffee shop location:
Location is critical to the overall success of any coffee shop venture in the Kingdom. Before making a decision, spend some time on the areas you are considering. Pay close attention to the number of people traveling on foot, and the amount of parking available.
Delivering a consistently high product
When opening your own coffee shop business, keep in mind that gourmet coffee and tea drinkers want more than a cup of regular coffee or a tea bag in a cup.
Due to the demands of discerning clientele, there is little chance that a coffee shop business will attract regular customers and thrive unless it can consistently serve the best quality coffee, tea, and regular and specialty snacks.
This means that you will need:
- Get the finest freshly roasted coffee.
- Buy a high-quality espresso machine.
- Buy high-quality equipment such as treadmills.
- Offer fresh pastries and snacks.
- One of the most important things that guarantee you the provision of high-quality drinks and continuity in this water filtration system.
An article about the secret that the right water treatment plant adds to a great cup of coffee.
Make sure you have well-trained staff
To provide great customer service, and to deliver outstanding products.
Tips for project success
- Choosing a shop in a suitable place contributes greatly to the success of the project, such as being near a mall, factory, university, or company, and if the coffee shop is inside one of these places, it will be better.
- The owner of the project should take care of the decor of the shop so that it is attractive and takes into account that most of the customers are young people, so the decorations and lighting must be modern.
- Taking care of the cleanliness of the place, food and drink are one of the basics of the success of the project, and no matter how wonderful the place is in terms of design, if the cleanliness is lacking, make sure that the project is a failure.
- Providing free internet service attracts many customers.
- You can place large LCD screens, modern and advanced PlayStation devices, a pool table, or a table tennis table.