Magnolith is the best solution for water quality

We are pleased that Carewater is the agent of Magnolith, an environmentally friendly product offering German magnetic water solutions. It is a cost- and energy-effective way to prevent and treat hard water and the problems associated with hard water.

It has proven its effectiveness and quality in many countries of the Middle East and in cooperation with well-known brands. and enjoying market share in different business sectors for 30 years.

Read about the device’s uses in several different applications here.

What is a Magnolith?

The manufacturer of the device is a German company (EWLGMBH). It has been working in the field of water treatment since 1989 in general and natural water treatment from groundwater in particular. Two years after the establishment of this German company in 1991 came the starting point or the starting point for the development of many environmental and water treatments. Which led to amazing results in the field of water treatment and the company was able to produce the MAGNOLITH device. This product has been developed over the years and is ISO 9001 certified in the field of quality management and is intended for heavy industrial applications, mineral water, and brackish water.

Summary of how the product works:

This product works on the magnetization of the water as it passes through the pipe and transfers this magnetic force to the water in light of the degree or level of magnetization 208. The magnetization intensity ranges between 4.500 to 8000 gauss and between 450 to 800 MT or Millisla so that the magnetic energy is transmitted to the water.

The special design of this product raises the level of efficiency and effectiveness ten times over previous products that relied on the same design or construction and due to the difference in raw materials used in the industry, so that it is very difficult or impossible for companies to imitate this patented product. Therefore, this product maintains its It is completely environmentally friendly and is an efficient cost and energy investment in water treatment.

Why buy a Magnolith device

  • German magnetic water conditioner for hard water scaling problems.
  • It is free from electricity and chemicals.
  • Zero maintenance and operating cost with a 5-year warranty.
  • Improve hard water by the power of a specially extracted permanent magnet which works according to the principle of magnetic resonance effect.
  • It breaks water molecules into smaller groups that change their structure and cause them to act thus not allowing sedimentation.
  • It also dissolves limescale in pipes and water fittings.
  • Magnolith installation will ensure that there is no clogging or deterioration of expensive pipes and fittings in homes, offices, hotels, etc.

Areas that have proven the effectiveness of the use of the Magnolith device

  • Swimming pools provide soft water with low chlorine and other chemicals required for maintenance.
  • Types of water applications in industries, processing plants, chillers, boilers, cooling towers, hospitals, laundries, residential towers, villas/fountains, landscaping etc.
  • Fish farms, livestock farms, and poultry farms.
  • Irrigation of agricultural lands where the properties of the resulting crop have improved.


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