محطة معالجة مياه الشرب

Why should a water treatment plant be set up?

Water treatment for various aspects of life, whether for drinking, on farms, or for use in factories, is one of the most important goals of sustainable development, Justin D. wrote. Brooks and Kelan C. Carey: “Water sustains life, but clean and safe drinking water defines civilization. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) promises dramatic improvements in quality of life and longevity in some of the most severe countries The world is poorer. If we declare that access to clean and safe drinking water is a basic human right, providing education, infrastructure and support are necessary to ensure success in achieving this goal is the responsibility of all of us.”


The importance of establishing a water treatment plant lies in the fact that central drinking water treatment plants treat large quantities of water from many family homes in one place, so they often need more operation and maintenance and the establishment of a water distribution system.


Semi-central drinking water treatment plants are medium-scale units eg at the community level. These systems are often designed to remove many types of pollutants from human or natural sources: suspended and dissolved solids, ions (metals, fluorine, phosphates, nitrates), organic compounds (microscopic organic pollutants, natural organic matter), and microorganisms (bacteria and viruses). Because no water treatment method is able to remove all these pollutants in one stage; The central and semi-central treatment often requires the establishment of multi-stage plants that combine several technologies for water purification. An overview of the construction of a drinking water production plant is available here.


Types of water treatment plants:

  • Municipal water desalination plant.
  • Underground water desalination plants.
  • Seawater desalination plants.

The prices of building a water treatment plant vary based on several factors:

  • Type of feeding water (municipal water, wells, seas).
  • Chemical and bacterial analysis of feed water.
  • The amount of water to be produced from the plant.
  • The purpose of using the produced water (drinking water, agricultural water, industrial water).

Places where the water treatment plant should be located:

  • farmer.
  • Water bottling projects.
  • Hotels, tourist villages, and residential complexes.
  • Factories (medicines, food, and beverages, chemicals,…etc).
  • Universities and schools.
  • mosques.
  • Playgrounds and clubs.

The importance of having a water treatment plant on farms:

Freshwater is still not readily available for most crops, and can only be made available to high-value crops, especially when subsidies can be provided to cover costs. Because brackish water is less saline than seawater, it is preferred when it is available instead of seawater, in preparation for its desalination for agricultural production purposes.

It is preferable that the desalination facilities be close to the places of use to reduce transportation costs. On the other hand, small to medium desalination plants are, in terms of operation and maintenance, less profitable than large plants.

Desalination programs should be integrated into water resource management, with best practices for water management (filtration requirements, better irrigation techniques) and appropriate salt-tolerant crops selected. The optimal facilities in terms of size and location must be studied, and better methods of operating small factories are required (automated operations in operating the factory, providing knowledge to farmers about operations, and training of operators).


Carewater is proud of the availability of a team of experts specialized in the construction and maintenance of water treatment plants with the latest and best technologies, believing in the important role that these plants play in various aspects of life.

Carewater Solutions

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