Drink water in the winter

Results of negligence in drinking water in the winter

Many of us neglect to drink water in the winter. With the onset of winter and lower temperatures, many of our daily life habits change. One of the most important and the most direct impacts on the body and public health is drinking water. As the winter season comes with its rains, snow, and storms, people believe that the need to drink water is no longer necessary as it was during the summer.

However, this belief is greatly and dangerously wrong, as lack of drinking water in winter has dire repercussions on human health and can cause many diseases and health problems such as heart disease, aging, weight gain, and others.

Benefits of drinking water in the winter

Many tend to drink a little water during the winter days and suffice with a plate of hot soup with meals. However, what these people do not know is that drinking water is an urgent need in the winter, even if the feeling of thirst decreases during this season because water provides us with many benefits. The loss of body fluids in the winter may be similar to what happens in a hot climate in terms of dehydration, fatigue, and other complications associated with it. Replacing water with coffee and tea is not a healthy alternative, as these drinks increase diuresis and thus dehydrate the body instead of hydrating it.

Drinking water in winter gives us the following benefits

Enhance the feeling of warmth

Some factors associated with winter, such as extreme cold, lack of physical exertion, loss of water in the respiratory tract, and psychological stress, can lead to side effects similar to what occurs in hot weather in summer. Thus, drinking plenty of water helps regulate body temperature in winter and increases the feeling of warmth.

Reduce the feeling of laziness

A person often suffers from laziness and lack of activity due to the cold in winter, which makes him unable to do his work properly. While drinking water enhances the activity and energy of the body by compensating for the loss of fluids and electrolytes in the body and preventing symptoms of exhaustion and fatigue, which are major signs of dehydration.

Expulsion of toxins from the body

No one disagrees that water is the best drink to cleanse and expel toxins from the body. Water helps the kidneys and liver to filter out toxins, and therefore the lack of access to water from the body impedes the process of getting rid of it ideally, which exposes you to serious health complications.

Constipation treatment

It is one of the most common problems of the digestive system during the winter, especially with the lack of exposure to the sun and not getting enough vitamin D. Drinking plenty of water in winter helps prevent and treat chronic constipation by facilitating digestion, bowel function, and excretion.

Improve skin health

Cold air and cold temperatures in winter can absorb more water from the skin and cause dry skin, winter rashes, and peeling or cracking of the skin. They are painful and annoying skin problems in terms of external appearance as well.

Therefore, experts recommend that you drink 8 glasses of water per day, to help the body adapt to water loss, prevent dry skin, and achieve healthy skin.

Preventing weight gain

Weight often increases during the winter, due to dehydration, which hinders the process of losing fat from the body by decomposing it. It is known as the metabolic process in which cholesterol is broken down by hydrolysis, to be used by cells to regulate energy and heat.

To enhance the benefit of drinking water to prevent weight gain in the winter, experts advise drinking warm water.

Boosting body immunity

Nothing strengthens and protects the body from pathogens in the winter like healthy and strong immunity. One of the pillars of boosting the immune system in the winter is primarily drinking water, which helps in internal body functions such as maintaining body temperature, chemical reactions, and transporting nutrients.

Water is also needed to help form saliva and the lubrication between joints, spinal cords, mucous membranes, and eyes. And when most of the body’s internal functions are working well, immunity naturally increases.

Disadvantages of not drinking water

Water constitutes about 70% of the body mass, and its benefits to the body are countless. On the other hand, neglecting to drink water can cause much harm to the body, here are the most important of them:


Water constitutes about 80% of the formation of cartilage in the joints, so not drinking water, in the long run, may reduce the ability of the joints to bear the mass of the body and suffer from pain in it.

Influence on brain functions

Water is important for the structure of the brain, spinal cord, and delicate tissues. It also has a role in the production of neurotransmitters and hormones in the nervous system. Not taking enough water may lead to a decrease in the ability to think properly and logically.

High body temperature

When the body temperature rises, the water comes out of it through sweating to cool it, so when the amount of water entering the body decreases, the amount of sweating decreases, and thus the temperature remains high.

Skin problems

Not drinking enough water makes the skin vulnerable to early wrinkles and other skin problems.

Constipation and heartburn

Lack of drinking water leads to constipation, and an increase in stomach acid, which may cause heartburn and ulcers in its tissues.

Respiratory problems

Not drinking water leads to the accumulation of mucus and allergens in the respiratory tract. This exacerbates the situation for asthma and allergy sufferers.

Kidney and urinary tract problems

Not drinking enough water for a long time can lead to kidney stones. It may also lead to urinary tract infection and possibly kidney failure in the end.


Water maintains the balance of salts, such as sodium and potassium. that transmit electrical signals between cells. Therefore, not drinking water and its sharp decrease in the body may lead to an imbalance of these salts and the occurrence of muscle spasms.
Sometimes you lose consciousness.

Reduction of Blood pressure

A severe lack of water in the body may lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure. Hence the lack of oxygen reaching parts of the body.

What is the recommended amount of water to drink daily?

To avoid the harms of not drinking water, it is recommended to drink 4-6 glasses a day in general, but this amount may vary in certain cases, such as:

  • Sweating a lot.
  • Free weather out.
  • Playing sports.
  • Suffering from certain diseases, such as kidney disease, thyroid disease, heart disease, and liver disease.
  • Take medications that hold fluids, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioid analgesics, and some types of antidepressants.

Diseases and damages resulting from water pollution

  • Hepatitis viruses such as A, E, and polioviruses.
  • Cholera, typhoid fever, amoebic glass parasite, and schistosomiasis.
  • Cancerous tumors as a result of the presence of chemicals in high concentrations in the water.
  • Tooth decay due to a lack of fluorine concentration in water of less than 1 milligram per liter.
  • Excess levels of fluoride in the water of more than 1.5 milligrams per liter cause staining of teeth.
  • Chemical poisoning is a result of the presence of chemicals in high concentrations in drinking water.
  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland due to a lack of iodine in the water.

Hence the necessity of having a water filter and water treatment plants in every home

Water filters have become indispensable in any home, for more solutions available to us, contact us. Because of the widespread pollution in the seas and rivers, where:

  • Water filters purify drinking water of impurities and suspended particles.
  • Drinking water should be rid of excess chlorine and salts.
  • It purifies the water from microorganisms and bacteria, thus protecting you from digestive diseases.
  • Remove harmful chemicals.

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